Trainings Schedule

Basic Teacher Training (200 hours)
The Basic Teacher Training, which we also call “The Body”, is an intensive training for everyone who feels the call to become a yoga guide / teacher, or who wishes to go deeper into their own yoga practice. The training consists of 3 modules which take about 3 months to complete in total and take place in Amsterdam, Portugal and then again Amsterdam. Whereas all parts can be followed individually, all 3 of them need to be followed in the correct sequence to lead to the 200-hours certification.
We offer you an all-round program based on Hatha yoga practices from the tradition of Krishnamacharya and some tantric lineages. The practices include great attention to breath, kriyas, asana, mantra, concentration, meditation, diet, basics of Ayurveda, and the subtle body. This is a unique and transformative training program, taught by senior and inspiring teachers with a lifetime of yoga experience.
This program is also registered with Yoga Alliance as a 200-hour teacher training.
The essence of Yoga
In The Essence of Yoga program we set the intention and mood of the whole Basic Teacher Training program. Diving into ourselves slowly but steadily, tuning into our body, breath and mind. Becoming intimately connected with ourselves and the teachings and making friends with the methods and techniques. We start learning the language of yoga, trusting the intelligence of our body and energetic field. We begin letting go of what is in the way of our vitality, joy and creativity. Yoga helps us become lighter and more open.
19 - 26 May 2023
Delight Yoga Amsterdam, Weteringschans 53.
Satya & Sahaj
In this intensive program of 8 days we offer a unique opportunity to anyone who wishes to know yoga and live yoga. It establishes and deepens your personal home practice, your “sadhana”, where the real yoga happens. This program is for everyone interested in learning how to bring yoga into their lives in a balanced and intelligent way. Beginners as well as experienced practitioners are welcome. All practices can be modified for any level of experience. This element is also highly recommended for yoga teachers who want to reconnect to their own beginners' mind, a requisite to stay fresh and open to serve and pass on the precious jewels of yoga.
The Yoga program during this week includes different cleansing techniques (kriyas), self-practice asana sequences, pranayamas, guided and silent meditation and practical philosophy sessions. We touch on the Ayurvedic lifestyle and diet necessary to support us in the process of yoga. Yoga is union with our higher self and integration with life in all its movements.
The Body Retreat (90hrs)
These 10 days are the sacred ground for your “yoga practice laboratory” where the alchemy takes place. This is where we start the process of deconditioning the mind which is deeply entangled in the body tissues. We start to trust again in the body intelligence, its nature and connection to the subtle body. Wisdom and trust of how to be in the body rises spontaneously. Together we create the environment where the sacredness of our own body can be experienced again, like a newborn child.
08 - 18 July 2023
Portugal (D'Alijo Yoga Retreat Centre)
Satya & Sahaj
We start this 10-day retreat in a unique way - with mauna (silence). It is a way to go beyond the surface – beyond names and forms, social, cultural or psychological boundaries. You will receive teachings and practices in silence, allowing yourself to let go of critical thinking, questions and other habits of the mind.
Knowledge is a fruit of learning, while wisdom is a fruit of practice. Through silence, our mind reaches a certain clarity, and you will be ready for deeper learning and practice. We immerse ourselves into meditation, pranayama, philosophy and a balanced asana practice, going deeper in concentration and breath awareness, allowing and trusting inner alignment, exploring subtle body, purification, basics of Ayurveda, basic anatomy knowledge, setting the stage for the meeting of the inner alchemist and the inner healer within our selves
The Art of Sharing Yoga,
Teaching from within
This final week is all about going deeper into the knowledge and experience gained, a journey in itself for developing intuition about teaching and sharing the practices. It is a seamless continuation of all the wisdom already experienced within yourself. Now you are ready to share it with others. Your dedication and devotion to your practice will naturally want to be spread into the world.
19 Augustus - 25 Augustus 2023
Delight Yoga, Weteringschans 53 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Adela Serrano
This week facilitates the integration of your self-practice with teaching skills and different approaches to also see beyond the physicality of the practice. You will be learning and teaching, refining what you have learned up to this point, and practising until it is sealed. Creative and dynamic asana, practical yoga philosophy, sound and mantras, therapeutic yoga and synthesis are the key subjects of the last and final week. Yoga starts Now.
The curriculum presented in the Basic Teacher Training will give you a clear insight into the most relevant aspects of a yoga practice in its broader approach.
The Primary Series of the Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga system (as taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in the tradition of Krishnamacharya) will be your main practice and map for this training. You will also focus on specific asanas and how to approach them in different ways. You will be taught alignment, breath, bandhas, inner and outer focus and suitable variations for each asana. You will learn from doing the pose yourself and from observing other students.
All types of asana are covered:
Forward bends
Backward bends
You will also learn the sanskrit name and the benefits of each pose.
We will teach the true meaning of Prana and the natural breath. Preparations for pranayama, together with some of the most classical techniques (such as Kapalabhati, Nadi Shodhana, and the Nine Purification Breaths) will be covered.
You will build a personal practice of pranayama to incorporate into your daily practice. At the end of the program you will have integrated these practices and be able to incorporate pranayama into your teaching as well.
Kriyas are cleansing and purification practices that prepare you for deeper yogic experiences. You will be introduced to some of the basic yet powerful kriya techniques (such as nauli), and incorporate them into your daily practice routine.
Physical Anatomy
We will explore the physical body in a very practical way, so you can apply it in your own practice and teachings. We utilize engaging, visual and active learning. So, anatomy becomes an interesting and lived experience. During the course, you will go through an introduction to the anatomy of the human body as it relates to the asanas. Also, we will explore the nervous system, the muscular-skeletal system, knee and hip joints, the pelvis, the spine, the circulatory system, and other topics.
Yogic Anatomy
We will introduce you to the subtle bodies: the yogic anatomy of chakras, nadis, vayus and koshas, helping you to more fully understand the process and benefits of yoga.
Yoga Philosophy
Foundational philosophy will be mostly based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, with a particular focus on the 8 limbs of yoga. You will learn how to apply this in your yoga practice, in your teaching and, most importantly, in your everyday life.
Concentration and meditation
From the beginning of the course, you will be introduced to meditation. During the course, you will be given different techniques to practice formal meditation. You will come to understand what meditation is, and how the other aspects of our practice are traditionally used to to prepare ourselves for moving deeper into meditation. You will learn how to guide others in basic meditation.
You will be introduced to the importance of Bhakti Yoga and Vedic chanting, learning some of the most important mantras and sutras to connect to the divine through sacred sound.
You will be introduced to the Science of Ayurveda and you will receive a solid foundation on the pillars of Ayurveda. You will understand how the three doshas are formed. Through this understanding you will discover your own natural born constitution (prakruti) and your current imbalance (vikruti) and start to develop your ‘Ayurvedic eye’ to see things from the Ayurvedic perspective, and help your practice of yoga bring more balance into your life and your world.
Self practice
Your practice is your foundation, your real teacher. In the training, your practice will be deepened. You will keep a journal of your practice, so you and the teachers can follow your progress. You will commit to practising daily asana, pranayama, kriyas and meditation. Your practice will integrate into your personality, will open your mind and your heart and this will bring you to higher states of awareness. What you practice, you will understand. What you understand, you will be able to teach.
This is a practical course. Rather than being taught how to teach, you will learn how to teach by doing it. From the very beginning, you will be asked to work with the other students, in groups, on teaching assignments. You will also learn by observing and assisting other teachers — in the training and in other classes. During the period of the course we will give you practical tools to build up and feel confident in teaching a beginners’ class.