The deeper layers of Yoga, part 1, October 7th, 2023
Connecting to grounding practices through the exploration of the standing yoga asanas.
As a continuation of your learning process or as a refreshening shake up of your yoga practice.
I have created a series of workshops for you to explore in a group of commited practitioners and teachers , how to dive in the profound layers beyond the physical plane of the asanas.
Starting from the outer borders of the standing poses and moving into the energetical subtleties. We will explore this also by using different props like the wall, the ropes and chairs.
What you will learn:
The foundation of the poses and the routines, how to firmly embody your home practice and how to create coherent sequences for yourself and for others.
Adjusting the poses and different modifications ranging from beginners to more seasoned practitioners.
To feel your own body being energized, balanced and nourished by the deeper understanding of the practices.

We will work on hip stability and mobility, using the props in different ways to challenge the range of motion of the hip area and accessing a better understanding of the anatomy and functionality of the hip. This workshop is accessible for ALL LEVELS.

Practical Yoga Philosophy
Asana, or yoga postures, the more physical part of the Yoga is widely extended and becoming the most popular part of the Yoga practice in the West. This is only the tip of the iceberg in the study of Yoga. In this workshop we will combine the asana (postures) practice with a few basic concepts behind the Yoga philosophy.

New to Yoga Course (4-weeks)
Are you new to Yoga? This introduction to Yoga course offers a solid foundation into the practice of yoga to all new students! During this consecutive 4-week program with the same group and teacher, you will gradually be guided through the foundations of yoga postures, basic personal alignment, breathing practices and principles of relaxation and meditation.

Introduction to Yoga
This Introduction to Yoga Program is the perfect way to begin (or reawaken) your yoga practice! We offer you a 2-hours’ introduction session and 5 beginners’ classes (within 30 days of your intro) for only 50 euro.

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Pranayama and Asana
This weekend will include extensive discussion and exploration of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Pranayama and Asana from the Iyengar tradition.

Introduction to Yoga
This Introduction to Yoga Program is the perfect way to begin (or reawaken) your yoga practice! We offer you a 2-hours’ introduction session and 5 beginners’ classes (within 30 days of your intro) for only 50 euro.

Art of Asana - Forward Bends and Sitting Poses
In this workshop we will work on standing forward bends, sitting poses and forward extension in sitting poses. Standing forward bends bring extension to the spine and remove fatigue caused by other asanas, they tone the nervous system and are considered “cooling” asanas.

Art of Asana - Back Bends
With innovative warming up and preparation poses we will use our time playing with a variety of backbends. With intelligent alignment and attention to details Adela will teach how to do more without pushing.

Art of Asana - Inverted Poses
Students will leave with a clear understanding of what commonalities exist in all inversions and the risk factors that need to addressed. We will explore the component parts (parts of the body that need to be prepared and/or educated) to successfully practice going upside down.

Art of Asana - Standing Poses
This workshops focuses on the alignment of the yoga poses (asanas) based on the Iyengar methodology. Standing poses (Uttistha Sthitti) are the foundation for the rest of the poses; they bring our attention to how we stand.